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Bulletins (édition spéciale), Septembre 2017

Publication et rapports / Rapports
Impact of SG 2000 Technologies Adoption on Smallholder Agricultural Productivity in Nigeria
This paper assesses the impact of Sasakawa Global (SG) 2000 technologies adoption on agricultural productivity in smallholder agriculture Nigeria. 280 farmers are selected from Adamawa, Kano, Jigawa and Gombe States, where Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) operates. The paper finds encouraging level of adoption of SG 2000 technology by smallholder farmers through the use of improved seed variety, improved agronomy practices, better land and soil management practices. However, the success is limited by inaccessibility of the hybrid seed to the grass-root, villages and communities; low of awareness on sourcing and usage of the improved seed; higher prices of the improved seeds; and some farmers’ resistance to change.

Publication et rapports / Rapports
Economic analysis of dry season maize production in Kano and Kaduna States 2014-2015
The USAID MARKETS II Dry Season Maize program in Kano and Kaduna States targeted 2000 maize out-growers for increased productivity in the maize value chain in selected locations that was implemented from August 2014 to March 2015 as geared towards attaining food sustainability in the study area. This paper focuses on an economic analysis of the dry season maize project.

Publication et rapports / Rapports
The Use of Promoted Fertilizers and Improved Seed in the Selected Intervention Areas of Lira, Ntungamo, Jinja and Mityana Districts
The overall objective of this study is to have evidence on the use and adoption of selected technologies particularly; fertilizer and improved seeds.
Data collected from randomly selected farmers in the intervention areas of Lira, Ntungamo, Jinja and Mityana districts revealed 60% of the sample size expressed awareness and having knowledge on improved maize crop varieties mainly through trainings by SG2000-U. Overall, 87% of the sample was using improved seed while 78% were using fertilizer although at different intensities.

Publication et rapports / Rapports
Dissemination, Adoption and Impacts of Multi-Crop Threshers in Ethiopia
SG2000 has promoted improved postharvest technologies such as maize shellers, multi-crop threshers, improved storage structures and others in different parts of the country. This study was initiated to assess the adoption, dissemination and impact of multicrop threshers (MCTs) in selected SG2000 project sites, and to draw lessons from successful adoption of the technology. The study was conducted in selected SG2000 project sites where multi-crop threshers were promoted. Survey was conducted in Arsi Negele, Shashemene and Siraro Woredas of West Arsi Zone in 2013. And in 2014, another survey was conducted to assess lessons from successful promotion and adoption of the MCTs.