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Mise à jour, Décembre 2010


Publication et rapports

Publication et rapports / Autres publications

NUMERO 26, juillet 2010


Page 1. Réinventer et revitaliser la SAA
Page 5. Inauguration d'une nouvelle stratégie de démonstrations agricoles
Page 8. Les partenariats désormais à l’honneur
Page 12. Mesurer les impacts des nouvelles technologies

Publication et rapports / Autres publications recommandées

Enough: Why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty


Roger Thurow and Scott Kilman, Public Affairs Publishing, 2009
For more than thirty years, humankind has known how to grow enough food to end chronic hunger worldwide. Yet in Africa, more than 9 million people every year die of hunger, malnutrition, and related diseases every year—most of them children. In this powerful investigative narrative, Wall Street Journal reporters Kilman & Thurow show exactly how, in the past few decades, Western policies conspired to keep Africa hungry and unable to feed itself. Enough is essential reading on a humanitarian issue of utmost urgency.

Publication et rapports

Publication et rapports / Autres publications

Value Chain Analysis for Developing Rural Agri-Business:Case Studies in Ethiopia


This publication contains papers presented at the Seminar on Value Chain Analysis (VCA) which discussed issues how VCA was applied and how it can enhance the impact on the programs of the Government of Ethiopia, and the works of different development organizations in Ethiopia.

Publication et rapports

Publication et rapports / Autres publications

Value Chain Analysis for the Development of Food Systems and Innovative Agro-based Industry in Africa (Toshiro Mado & Kyoko Saio)


This book consists of two separate but related accounts in the development of the food systems and agro-based industries through value chain analysis. It describes the changing food preferences of the consumers, the distribution patterns and their impact on food demand, production and markets. Book 1: Development of Food Systems. Book 2: Development of Innovative Agro-based industries in Africa