“Today we are able to produce high quality rice” Fatoumata Sangarés

Fatoumata Sangaré, Finance Secretary of the Rice Platform of Women Group of Niéna
Fatoumata Sangaré, Finance Secretary of the Rice Platform of Women Group of Niéna

The Rice Platform of Women Group of Niéna is situated in the rural commune of Niéna, cercle of Sikasso, in Sikasso region. The platform was formed in 2014 and currently comprises 11 villages and 556 members. The main activities of the Platform are upland and lowland rice production, parboiling, storage and marketing of rice.

Fatoumata Sangaré is the Platform’s Secretary of Finance. According to Fatoumata, “Our platform is composed of 14 women groups and Sasakawa is involved in various ways in all of these groups. Thanks to Sasakawa’s intervention, today we are able to produce high quality rice. Our partnership with SAA has enabled us, through training and supervision, to produce and sell a range of good quality products. We have learned that ‘quality’ starts right here in the field. In terms of postharvest activities, we all want to express our thanks to SAA for getting us a rice decorticator and sorting machine. We now produce top quality rice that fetches the highest market value. Moreover, ten groups in our Platform have benefited from a month long adult literacy program with the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills like reading and writing.

Before Sasakawa’s arrival, we had one notebook for all the details and information of the Platform’s activities. Because of the training provided by SAA, we now manage different activities in separate notebooks. Now our technical record keeping and bookkeeping is of an excellent standard. Finally, good governance and transparency has become the hallmark of our Platform, which we owe to SAA’s training and guidance. We are very humble and thankful for all the progress that has been made and for the work that continues to be done.”

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Voices from the Field Special Edition 2022

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