
Improved Teff Technologies Promoted to Farmers by Mekele University Midcareer Students

The Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA), through its capacity building program, formerly known as SAFE, has been supporting mid-career students to undertake field-level Supervised Enterprise Projects (SEPs) in nine Ethiopian universities since 1996. The program was introduced at Mekelle University (MU) in 2011, and to date, has supported 407 students, including 33 who are currently in the pipeline.

Laying the foundation stone for irrigation infrastructure in Gowedemo Kebele

SAA Lays Foundation Stone for Irrigation Infrastructure and Hands- Over Site to Contractor

On December 05, 2024, the Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) Ethiopia Country Director Dr. Fentahun Mengistu and Mr. Mengesha Fitamo, Head of Southern Sidama Zone Administration, laid the foundation stone for the construction of irrigation infrastructure in Gowedemo Kebele, Aleta Wondo District, Sidama Region. The site was officially handed over to the contractor, Matunda Engineering, following the signing of the agreement between SAA and the contractor.

Mrs Shemsiya Ali while addressing the food and nutrition priorities of the government

Showcasing Diversified Food Cooking Demonstrations at Kerekicho and Raya Boda Nutrition Model Villages

Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) recently conducted a diversified food cooking demonstrations at Kerekicho Nutrition Model Village (NMV) in Angacha District, Kembata Zone, Central Ethiopia Region, and at Raya Boda NMV in Ana Sora District, Guji Zone, Oromia Region. These events highlighted the importance of following proper food and nutrition protocols for a healthy life.

MoH State Minister Dr. Dereje Duguma, MoWCA State Minister Mrs. Huria Ali and ACSO Deputy Director General Mr. Fasikaw Molla while visiting SAA

Improved Agricultural Technologies Showcased at the 4th Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Week 2024

The 4th Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Week 2024 took place from December 6-8 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the theme “Renew the promise for an Enduring Peace and Equitable Development”.

Group photo of Nasarawa State Fabricators at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria during the training of fabricators under the Evidence-Based Regenerative Agriculture to Address Climate Change in Africa Project

SAA empowers local machine fabricators to tackle postharvest losses in Nigeria

As part of efforts aimed at developing local agricultural mechanization solutions to reduce drudgery, minimize postharvest losses and enhance food security, the Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) Nigeria has facilitated the training of 20 local agricultural machine fabricators from Nasarawa State, Nigeria, to produce multi-crop threshers. The training was held from November 10-21, 2024 under the Evidence-Based Regenerative Agriculture to Address Climate Change in Africa project funded by the Poli...

Group photo of participants taken shortly after the launch of the project, “A Consultative Engagement Exercise for a Product Profile Design for Nigeria’s Public-Private Partnership Digital Extension Delivery System”, in Lagos, Nigeria on Thursday, November 7, 2024.

Stakeholders push for Sustainable Public-Private Partnerships for Digital Agricultural Extension Solutions

Key digital agricultural extension stakeholders in the public and private sectors have stressed the importance of developing a sustainable Public Private Partnership (PPP) business model for digital extension delivery solutions in Nigeria.

Asaba Micheal in one of the demonstration gardens.

From Volunteer to Commercial Community-Based Facilitator: How Asaba Micheal is driving agricultural transformation in Kitagwenda District

An old saying goes, give a man a fish, and you've fed him for a day,", "but teach a man to catch fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime. An example following this adage is Asaba Micheal, a 27-year-old in Kitagendwa district who holds a Bachelor's degree in agriculture.

Margaret Akullo enjoying a heartfelt moment with her son.

Widow Turns Farming Dreams into Reality in Otuke

In the rural heart of Otuke District, a widow's determination has transformed her from a struggling subsistence farmer to a community icon of success.

SEPs students with their advisor while supervising Haregu on her fruit production

Roles of SEPs in integrated market-oriented agriculture in Ethiopia

The Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA)-Ethiopia, through its Capacity building initiative sponsored two mid-career students from Mekelle University (MU) to implement their Supervised Enterprise Projects (SEPs) at Haregu Gobezay’s horticultural farm in MayWoyni Kebele, Rama Adiarbe’ate District, Tigray region.

Field day participants observed Amlisha’s SEPs plot, showcasing her shift to row planting to boost yields by 27% with SAA’s support.

Amlisha proves the paramount importance of Supervised Enterprise Projects (SEPs) in Tigray

Amlisha Gebregziabher, 29, hails from a small rural village near Wukro town, in the Tigray region, 46 km north of Mekelle. After completing her pre-college education and enrolled in crop production and marketing from Wukro Agricultural TVET College, Amlisha served her community as a development agent.

SAA Publications

"Walking with the Farmer"

SAA publishes a bimonthly e-newsletter reporting on SAA activities.

SAA Mail News

Sign up to receive our e-newsletter and upcoming event information via email.


SAA history book
"Walking with the Farmer: The journey of the Sasakawa Africa Assoication since 1986"

This book chronicles the history of SAA from its inception to the present.

Annual Report
Annual Report FY2023

Annual Report FY2023 is available here.