“Let your motto ‘Take it to the Farmer’ reach all Tudun Wada”, says Abdullahi Kau

Abdullahi Kau at his Model Adoption Plot in Tudun Wada, Kano State, Nigeria
Abdullahi Kau at his Model Adoption Plot in Tudun Wada, Kano State, Nigeria

Abdullahi Kau is a farmer and maize grower living in the Tudun Wada Local Government Area of Kano State, Nigeria. He is very happy with how SG-2000 Nigeria trained him, which has resulted in him being happy to conduct agriculture as a business. Abdullahi owns a one hectare farm. He farms both for demonstration, as his is a Model Adoption Plot (MAP), and commercial purposes. “Sasakawa first trained me on how to plant, and how to apply fertilizer. Next, they taught me how to tell when my produce is ripe, how I should harvest it, and how best to access the market.

The Sasakawa Africa Association has taught me the importance of looking for good variety in the seeds I plant. My farming and planting methods have also improved. Before, I used to put four or five seeds in a hole, but now I’ve learnt to put one or two seeds in a hole, which is more efficient. I have also reduced the distance between planting to 10cm, from 25cm or 30cm before. Because I’ve seen so many advantages in these methods I am going to continue practicing what I’ve learned, even when Sasakawa has left.” Abdulahi also spoke about the processes and technology he has been using to reduce post-harvest losses, which in the past had been extensive. “I now make sure I allow sufficient time for drying my harvest before I go through the process of threshing. Perhaps most importantly, thanks to Sasakawa’s intervention I now make regular use of PICS (Purdue Improved Crop Storage) bags, which have completely eradicated grain loss during storage.”

In terms of market access, Abdulahi said he harvested 20 bags in the last harvesting season, and now expects this to increase to 40 to 50 bags which he is going to use for commercial purposes. “Overall I apply the whole value chain concept that SG-2000 Nigeria has imparted in my farming practice. I am now helping my family and relatives from the gains. I have seven kids, five of them going to school and two babies. Sasakawa has helped me and as a result my farming business has improved significantly. ‘Take it to the Farmer’ is Sasakawa’s motto, and I hope they continue so all farmers in Tudun Wada can benefit from it.”

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Voices from the Field Special Edition 2022

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