SAA-Mali conducted courtesy calls in different organizations and observed on and off-field activities

From April 3 to 9, 2021, a team led by Dr. Sokona Dagnoko, Country Director (CD) of SAA-Mali conducted courtesy calls in different organizations and observed on and off-field activities.
The CD met and deliberated with Agricultural Sector Chief, Mr. Bassirou Sanogo who is a product of the Sasakawa Africa fund for Extension Education (SAFE) program. During the visit, different technical publications prepared by SAA-Mali were presented. The Sector Chief thanked the CD for the materials and stated the importance of the adoption of new technologies and transfer of knowledge to smallholder farmers.
In addition, the courtesy call involved Regional Directorate of Agriculture of Kayes and the Kayes Regional Agriculture Research Center. The team also observed field activities of the horticulture farmers’ cooperatives of Kamankolé located in Bafoulabé circle and the Diadiéfara rice producer cooperative.
The CD enphasized that the platform was crucial in facilitating experience sharing with key extension based organizations and successful cooperatives which exercise good agronomic practices.
SAA Publications
"Walking with the Farmer"
SAA publishes a bimonthly e-newsletter reporting on SAA activities.

SAA history book
"Walking with the Farmer: The journey of the Sasakawa Africa Assoication since 1986"
This book chronicles the history of SAA from its inception to the present.

Annual Report
Annual Report FY2023
Annual Report FY2023 is available here.