Collective marketing training boost farmer’s savings


In 2014, Apolot Christine’s savings at a local cooperative were a paltry 120,000UGX (USD 32), but by the end of 2022, she had banked UGX 1,740,000 (USD 464).  

Her rapid income growth was spurred by training provided by the Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) under its Agricultural Market Support (AMS) project, supported by the World Food Programme (WFP). She was trained to view farming as a viable business, with the essentials of financial literacy and collective marketing coming in handy to transform her operations.  

“After the SAA training, I joined the Abim West Farmers Network, which opened avenues I had never envisioned,” she said.  

In 2021, she bulk-sold 616kg of maize to the WFP’s HomeGrown School Feeding Programme, generating a substantial UGX 800,000, (USD 214) that boosted her savings to UGX 1,370,000 (USD 367).  

By diversifying her income sources, such as selling value-added products like posho, and bread in the local markets, she was able to reinvest her profits into more shares in her Saving and Loan Association (SLA). 

As at the end of 2022, her savings had grown nearly 1,347% compared to 2014, allowing her to diversify her investments through the purchase of two plowing bulls, several picks, and chicken. Christine’s journey continues to unfold, demonstrating the power of collective action and the importance of saving.

Retrieved from SAA E-Newsletter, issued in September 2023 with Focus on Uganda

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