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Publications & Reports / Reports
Study Report on the evaluation of multiplier effects of TOPs, WADs, PTPs and the impact of training provided by EAs / CBF on technology diffusion in the regions of Sikasso and Segou through the strategic plan 2012-2016 of SG 2000
The objectives of this study are to evaluate the multiplier effects of Technology Option Plots (TOPs), Women Assisted Demonstrations (WADs), and Production Test Plots (PTPs) – components of Farmer Learning Platform which is a key approach of Theme1: Crop Production Enhancement. The study also evaluates the impact of training provided by Extension Agents and Community Based Facilitators on technology diffusion in the regions of Sikasso and Ségou in Mali.

Publications & Reports / Reports
Economic Analysis Report For Dry season Maize Production in Kaduna and Kano States
This is an economic analysis of The 2017 USAID MARKETS II Dry Season Maize Project targeting 5,000 maize out growers was conducted in both the two States of intervention, making a total of 10,000 farmers.

Publications & Reports / Reports
Adoption study of postharvest and Agro-processing Technologies and Interventions in Nigeria: Reasons for Adoption and Non-adoption (2012 – 2016)
The study examined the justification for adoption and non-adoption of postharvest and Agro-processing Technologies and Interventions in Nigeria among farmers in the four partnering states of SG 2000 intervention in northern Nigeria (Adamawa, Gombe, Kano and Jigawa).

Publications & Reports / Other Publications
Newsletter (Special Edition), September 2017

Publications & Reports / Reports
Impact of SG 2000 Technologies Adoption on Smallholder Agricultural Productivity in Nigeria
This paper assesses the impact of Sasakawa Global (SG) 2000 technologies adoption on agricultural productivity in smallholder agriculture Nigeria. 280 farmers are selected from Adamawa, Kano, Jigawa and Gombe States, where Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) operates. The paper finds encouraging level of adoption of SG 2000 technology by smallholder farmers through the use of improved seed variety, improved agronomy practices, better land and soil management practices. However, the success is limited by inaccessibility of the hybrid seed to the grass-root, villages and communities; low of awareness on sourcing and usage of the improved seed; higher prices of the improved seeds; and some farmers’ resistance to change.