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Agro-financing in Uganda
Farmers' worries in Uganda are not about to end. Most Farmers grapple with a lack of financing to buy inputs, start alternative sources of income and often experience uncertainty of the climate among other things. However, SAA is working with them on the ground to equip them with the skills to organize under their various groups to access finances for production.
The Youth Agribusiness Clinics: Repositioning your Business for growth through Mentorship
Charles Dickens Omara, a 27-year-old farmer in Uganda, was selected by the District Agricultural Officer to participate in the Youth Business Clinic organized by Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) in 2020 under the program funded by The Nippon Foundation (TNF). He won the programme's competition and was awarded one million Ugandan shillings ($283). He has transformed his livelihood and that of his family through poultry farming and has diversified to piggery, apiary, and cuniculture.
Now, as an entrepreneur armed with business management skills, Charles is mentoring other young groups, particularly those interested in poultry farming in his village.
SAA implementing IMPACT Project in Ethiopia
The Improving Market-led Production of selected Agricultural Commodities in Targeted Woredas of Amhara and Tigray (IMPACT) project is a three-year (2018-22) project funded by AGRA and implemented by SAA, Techno Serve and Farm Radio International.
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to improvement of income and food security of smallholder farmers and their families. It is designed to increase productivity and strengthen access to output markets of wheat, teff and maize. It aspires to increase structured market-oriented production of target commodities value-chains in 20 woredas and 160 kebeles of the two regions.
SAA operations during COVID 19 in Amharic
Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world including in Africa. Even in this challenging time, Sasakawa Africa Association continues to deliver the extension service to help African smallholder farmers.
SAA operations during COVID 19 in English
Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world including in Africa. Even in this challenging time, Sasakawa Africa Association continues to deliver the extension service to help African smallholder farmers.