書籍・報告書 検索


書籍・報告書 / その他

Value Chain Analysis for Developing Rural Agri-Business:Case Studies in Ethiopia


This publication contains papers presented at the Seminar on Value Chain Analysis (VCA) which discussed issues how VCA was applied and how it can enhance the impact on the programs of the Government of Ethiopia, and the works of different development organizations in Ethiopia.


書籍・報告書 / その他

Value Chain Analysis for the Development of Food Systems and Innovative Agro-based Industry in Africa (Toshiro Mado & Kyoko Saio)


This book consists of two separate but related accounts in the development of the food systems and agro-based industries through value chain analysis. It describes the changing food preferences of the consumers, the distribution patterns and their impact on food demand, production and markets. Book 1: Development of Food Systems. Book 2: Development of Innovative Agro-based industries in Africa

書籍・報告書 / 推薦図書

アフリカに緑の革命を! ニッポンNPO戦記


大高 未貴 著
徳間書店 2008年

書籍・報告書 / 推薦図書

ノーマン・ボーローグ: “緑の革命”を起した不屈の農学者


岩永 勝 監訳 悠書館、2009年
世界の農業生産は、急増する人口の伸びに追いつけるのか? 〈奇跡の小麦〉を武器にした〈緑の革命〉により、飢餓に苦しむ数億人の人々を救い、ノーベル平和賞を受賞した農学者の生涯。


書籍・報告書 / その他

Improving Postharvest Systems - Promoting Agro-Industrial Development in Africa Leonides Halos-Kim & Toshiro Mado


Leonides Halos-Kim & Toshiro Mado, 2005
An Account of a decade of research, development and extension on improving crop postharvest systems in sub-Saharan Africa under the auspices of the Agro-processing project of SAA, in collaboration of IITA and the government of Ghana, Benin and Ethiopia.