書籍・報告書 検索

書籍・報告書 / その他
Value Chain Analysis for the Development of Food Systems and Innovative Agro-based Industry in Africa (Toshiro Mado & Kyoko Saio)
This book consists of two separate but related accounts in the development of the food systems and agro-based industries through value chain analysis. It describes the changing food preferences of the consumers, the distribution patterns and their impact on food demand, production and markets. Book 1: Development of Food Systems. Book 2: Development of Innovative Agro-based industries in Africa
書籍・報告書 / 推薦図書
アフリカに緑の革命を! ニッポンNPO戦記
大高 未貴 著
徳間書店 2008年
書籍・報告書 / 推薦図書
ノーマン・ボーローグ: “緑の革命”を起した不屈の農学者
岩永 勝 監訳 悠書館、2009年
世界の農業生産は、急増する人口の伸びに追いつけるのか? 〈奇跡の小麦〉を武器にした〈緑の革命〉により、飢餓に苦しむ数億人の人々を救い、ノーベル平和賞を受賞した農学者の生涯。

書籍・報告書 / その他
Improving Postharvest Systems - Promoting Agro-Industrial Development in Africa Leonides Halos-Kim & Toshiro Mado
Leonides Halos-Kim & Toshiro Mado, 2005
An Account of a decade of research, development and extension on improving crop postharvest systems in sub-Saharan Africa under the auspices of the Agro-processing project of SAA, in collaboration of IITA and the government of Ghana, Benin and Ethiopia.

書籍・報告書 / 会議録
From Subsistence to Sustainable Agriculture in Africa
Papers from the workshop held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 18-19 November 2002 in collaboration with the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).